-Can you tell me a little about yourself and how you first became interested in music?
-I have been interested in music since early childhood, and my first steps as a musician were taken at the age of 8, when I attended music school.

-What do you like to do when you're not playing? Is there a hobby or activity that brings you joy? How do you like to relax after classes or long practices?
-I love to create, paint, and watch movies. My fatigue goes away through passive rest, I just completely free myself from my main occupation for one or several days.
-Do you have a favorite motto or saying that inspires you on your life's journey?
"There are three golden qualities in a person's character: patience, a sense of proportion, and the ability to remain silent. Sometimes they help in life more than intelligence, talent, and beauty."

-What is the most interesting or favorite place you have ever been to, and what makes it special to you?
-The most interesting and close-to-mysterious places for me are Tatev, with its mysterious and magnificent nature, and Lori, especially the village of Dsegh.
-If you had a magical power, what would it be and how would you use it?
- I would make my country stronger with one blow, and I would use that power to accomplish good and lasting deeds. I would really like to control time.
-What are your goals and aspirations for the future as a young musician? Do you have any dream projects in mind?
-My dreams are colorful and diverse, but I would single out the following: to have my own unique voice and something to say in this field, which I will be able to use to benefit my country and humanity.

-Can you describe the role of the “Music for the Future” Foundation in your musical development and how it supports you?
-It stimulates my development and growth in this field and many other music-loving young people, and provides an opportunity to fulfill their dreams.
-Is there a word or phrase that best describes your personality and why?
-Yes, hard work or the boundless pursuit of perfection, so that new, many, beautiful, important and lasting values are created along the way.
-What characteristic of yours do you think has helped you achieve success in music and life?
-In my opinion, one trait is not enough to achieve success in music or in life. The most important ones are hard work and talent, being honest and meticulous towards yourself and those around you, and having an endless love for your work and humanity.

-Are there certain values or principles that you consider important and that guide your actions and decisions?
-Of course there are, I consider myself a person of principle and have developed a system of values for myself that I am guided by. Those values are the commandments of God, my parents, and people important to me.
-What qualities do you value most in your friends and the people around you?
-They are directly proportional to my characteristics.

Trombonist, 12 years old
2019-2021 / Yerevan M. Mirzoyan Music School, violin class
2021-present / Yerevan M. Mirzoyan Music School, Trombone Department,
3rd grade, teacher: Hayk Ter-Margaryan
He has been involved in music since the age of 8, and has been playing the trombone since the age of 10.